The Horror Show

Editor: THE HORROR SHOW! Catalogue. Designed by Barnbook for The Horror Show! A Twisted Tale of Modern Britain, co-curated by Iain Forsyth & Jane Pollard and Claire Caterall. The catalogue features artworks and artefacts celebrating 50 years of creative rebellion in British art. Essays by John Doran, Nathalie Olah and Patricia MacCormack. Published by Somerset House Trust, October 2022.

Artists featured in pages above (l-r) : Ray Stevenson, Derek Ridgers, Time Noble & Sue Webster, Jake & Dinos Chapman, Marc Almond, Jeanette Lee, Paul Drummond, The London Leatherman, David Shrigley, Graham Dolphin Scanner (Robin Rimbaud), Richard Littler, Penny Slinger, Matthew Stone, Linda Sterling, Hollie Miller & Kate Street, Damselfrau, Jesse Darling, Anna Bunting Branch, Jane Arden. Collages created by Barnbrook.